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Monday, July 30, 2012

The Many Wonders of Grapeseed Oil

If you follow me on any social network (Twitter, Instagram), then you by now know my both newfound and undying love for Grapeseed Oil. What I love most about it, is its versatility. I adore products that have multiple purposes, as I am into the health of both my hair and my skin. Before I get into the many ways I use GS Oil, let's explore some of the science behind this miracle elixir.

Grapeseed Oil, is extracted from the seeds of grapes. For the most part, it is affordable. Previously I have purchased my GS oil from Whole foods, 16oz for $9.99. Just yesterday, however, I found a bottle at HEB for $3.87!! (I will be doing a review on that particular brand soon). It contains high amounts of antioxidants and omega-6 fatty acids. It's super light and odorless, and I like that as well (never been a big fan of the smeel of olive oil).

Now, on to the good stuff! Are you aware of the many purposes that one single bottle of Grapeseed Oil in your cabinet can serve at any givven time?

Yum. Yum. Yum. --The obvious, and most widespread use of GS Oil is for cooking, of course. Try substituting it to make your favorite dressing, instead of using Olive oil. It is known to contain up to 25% of our daily Vitamin E intake!

Heating up. --GS oil is my definite go-to as a heat protectant for my natural hair. Different sources account it's smoke point of being generally between 420-475 degrees( I know, that's a big gap, but some bottles of it will list the smoke point on it for better reference).

Smooth it out. --Whether when flat ironing, twisting, or wash and going, GS oil smooths my hair cuticle and takes away a little of the God-awful frizz I so commonly experience.

Let yo souuuul glo. --That right, GS oil is an excellent source for that non-greasy shine, every natural desires.

Dive Deep. --Need a hot oil treatment, or a carrier oil to add to your favorite conditioner? Great for deep conditioning treatments.

Blemish, Be gone. --GS oil, is great for the skin. It's especially good for sensitive skin. I have conbination skin (oily in some spots, dry in others) and I find that when I use it in my homemade Sea Salt Scrub (details later), it really evens my complexion and provides the perfect level of moisture.

Take it off. --Why buy expensive, sometimes harsh make up removers? A little GS oil on a cotton ball and viola!

All over. --I love to add a little Olive & Grapeseed Oil to my bath water, talk about baby smooooof skin! GS is also said to make a good sunscreen!

Pucker up. --after exfoliating my lips, I apply a light moisturizer and seal with GS oil, before bed...and in the morning, I'm simply kissable!

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